He was apparently pwned. :devil: Stuxnet worm mystery: What's the cyber weapon after? - CSMonitor.com and further reading from the German team who was able to analyze the species to figure out how it worked and who might have created it: Langner Communications: The Production-to-Business Company EDIT - and this just hit the wire 13min ago Ahmadinejad says Iran may end enrichment - Yahoo! News YOU DON'T SAY!!! :lol:
cliff notes for the non-technical: a species of malware has been hitting Iran and surrounding areas since early summer. Further reverse engineering of the code shows its attacking the Siemens devices used in some of the control parts of Iran's nuclear capabilities. bottom line is that this was a highly sophisticated and coordinated attack that was made possible with insider knowledge. Or, in layman's terms....likely no need to bomb Iran now. High five _________ (insert three letter agency here). This is a major coup if true.
Very interesting. I don't think I am smart enough to be in the military today. When I was in, it is simply point, shoot and duck. :nonod: Jim
Love it!!!! Now if they could invent and introduce a worm that would slowly devour his rectal cavity from the inside out, we'd really be in business....
No sweat, the rectal worm should work for them too!! But you are correct they hold the real power.....
kinda makes sense...with the amount of people and resources it would take to create this nasty little bug im sure this was a contingency plan for israel if they couldnt attack it physically...or the threat of physical attack was a ruse to get them looking in one direction...one of the basics of a network penetration attack...have ur target looking one way while you bring the real threat in another...plus the fact they cant figure out a way to get rid of it says it might have logic bomb properties since it goes after the hardware as well...wouldnt that be great...the malware goes live and slaves control of the nuclear facilities to the originators of the malware